
Grid View:
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Computer screen clip on card

* Facilitates vision testing at the exactdistance and height.* Fast precise measurement* Low cost...

Contrast Acuity Charts

S.R 1,150

Contrast Acuity Charts..

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Eger equivalent card

* Easy to use* Better contrast* Easily equates readability to acuity.* Saves time..

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Home Vision Card

* High quality* Accurate* Saves time..

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Illuminated eye chart

* Facilitates vision testing at the exactdistance and height.* Fast precise measurement* Low cost...

LED-Smart Chart System SCS-3200

S.R 15,000

* More convenient UI (User Interface)* Possible to network with visual Hardwares * e realization of 32" Full screen of ETDRS* e User Friendly advertisement eect through insertinf a USB * e high-technology of speac recognizable Remote control* Possibe to use Ipad as a Remote control LCD type 32 inch WUXGA LED b..

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Magnetic modified Amsler Grid

Magnetic modified Amsler Grid..

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Modified Thoringston test card

Modified Thoringston test card..

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Pediatric Chronister - Pocket Acuity Chart

Pediatric Chronister - Pocket Acuity Chart..

عرض 1 الى 15 من 17 (2 صفحات)